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Opening Day 2021: A Poem

Opening day at the ballpark

And we gather with Marlins faithful,

Marlins doubtful,

And Marlins still undecided

In a city that has been sick and divided

But today in Miami, we are united!

With a woman at the helm and our ace on the mound,

The Marlins are ready for a brand new season

Full of promise

Cheered on by fans who have ached to see live baseball since 2019.

It’s been 18 years since the last Championship

But here we are, this glorious Opening Day

Where the air is electric and humid

And the immutable spirit of Jose Fernandez still lingers with us.

As we begin a new season,

Hats off to last year’s playoff team.

We are building on new traditions and new heroes

Remembering seasons past with Muscle Boy and Marlins Mermaids

Back when they were the “Flarrida” Marlins and the ballpark doubled as a football stadium.

Fast forward to today, at a quarter capacity

Half vaccinated, wearing KN95’s

With the defiance of being called bottom feeders

And the optimism to Re2pect the process.

This is our year.

So while we cannot yet lock arms and sway together

And sing “root root root for the Marlins,”

We can stand together on this Opening Day and feel the love

For this season’s first official Play Ball.


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